Hello! My name is Lindsymae and I’m a 17 year-old climate activist born in Canada to two immigrant parents, who moved here from the Philippines to give me and my siblings a better life. Some of my many hobbies include painting, photography, poetry and volunteering.
How I first got interested in activism in general was simply by growing older and taking a moment to observe the world around me. As that one saying goes: “If you’re not angry, then you’re not listening.” So, as I got into high school and started using social media and the internet more frequently, I got to pay further attention to what was happening around the globe which, in turn, fueled my willingness to make a difference. You’d be surprised about the number of issues that exist beneath the surface and that aren’t always easy to spot at first glance.
Becoming a climate activist specifically came more gradually: it stemmed from my love of nature and the great outdoors as a kid that followed me well into my teenage years. Growing up, I would love going out to visit lakes, take walks in a park, bike around my neighborhood and especially chase sunsets. Hence, why the environment is something I hold close to heart. To see how we’ve affected it is definitely upsetting and frustrating, but that doesn’t mean that it’s too late to change anything.
pictured: a collage I made as part of one of the workshops on our climate passions and visions
On that note, here’s a little poem I wrote inspired by the lessons learned throughout the series of workshops titled, to whom it may concern:
Going into this project, I honestly had no idea what exactly to expect. However, it turned out to be one of the highlights of my week. I genuinely looked forward to attending the weekly sessions. Although, I have to admit that I’m a very closed off person, these past workshops have allowed me to share my own as well as listen to others’ perspectives and views on topics that matter today. I felt like my opinions were valued and that the other people there were actually interested and attentive to what I had to say, as I was with them.
That being said, by providing a safe space for young voices and by encouraging us in our willingness to create change in our community is a great way to support youth today. With environmental programs such as The YMCA’s C-Vert and CWF’s Wild Outside programs, teenagers are guaranteed to be part of a community where they know that they are appreciated because of the common goal in mind: to get involved and take action to help the planet.
Last but not least, here’s a shaky little video I made over 2 years ago after my first ever camping trip with a group of bright youth as part of the C-Vert Environmental Engagement Program. It was also during that trip that I realised and witnessed firsthand how empowering it was to be a part of something bigger than yourself.