Make your choice, share your voice.
In early 2022, eight youth activists of colour came together to participate in the Evergreen Youth Lab. This website is dedicated to showcasing their work, stories and lessons throughout their experience. Explore how these youth understand and want to act on climate justice and how you can support wider networks of racialized youth in these spaces.
A special thank you to….
We want to give a special acknowledgment to Black Eco Bloom’s Leila Cantave and Tyjana Connolly for their support and contributions in our learning community. We are also thankful for the ongoing support and feedback from the Leadership & Learning for Sustainability Lab during the design of the Evergreen Youth Lab. Finally, an extra special thank you to the C-Vert team and the NDG leader Khuram for their close support, facilitation and leadership in gathering youth and creating a meaningful space for the Evergreen Youth Lab to flourish.